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This blog features heart-healthy gourmet cooking in the Mediterranean style using a standard, 1000-watt microwave oven almost exclusively.   (Very occasionally, the slow cooker is featured.)  This blog will show that virtually any recipe can be adapted to the microwave with excellent results and quick preparation.  

About the Meals

Most dinners require 30 minutes only from preparation start to dinner time.  The notation, “a simple dinner,” precedes a posting that is extremely easy, and these meals can be found by searching the keywords simple dinner in the search box.

Some foods are included that are not part of the Mediterranean diet but are rich in omega-3 fatty acids or other heart-healthy nutrients.  Salmon, for example, is normally featured  twice a week.  All recipes follow a lactose-free diet.  All entrees are poultry or seafood.   Many dinners are gluten free.

I follow the MIND diet as well as the Mediterranean.  The MIND diet includes whole grains three times a day, one leafy green vegetable plus one other vegetable once a day, beans several times a week, snack on nuts most days, eat poultry and berries (blueberries and strawberries are highlighted) at least twice a week, and fish once a week.  Exclusions are red meat with limited sweets and pastries, limited cheese, limited butter or stick margarine, and limited fried or fast food.

Cooking times will vary slightly.   My husband and I have small servings for both dinner and reheated lunch (in covered ramekins) the following day.  I have over time varied the listing for the number of servings in an attempt to satisfy my viewers’ tastes.  If more servings are desired, double cooking time in the microwave for each doubling of food.  (This is a standard microwave practice.)


Celia Hales is posting the new dinner entrees she served in the evening to her husband and herself, with enough leftovers for lunch the day following.  Warm-ups in the microwave generally take 3 minutes for two ramekins at a time.

I have 36 years’ experience with cooking in the Mediterranean style and  17 years’ experience with using the microwave exclusively. Comments and suggested variations are encouraged.

 –Celia Hales, Ph.D.


  1. Hi Celia,
    Thank you for following my blog. You have a great blog ! I like using the microwave to save time whenever I can. So your blog will be very helpful. I love Mediterranean food too.


  2. Hi Mel ,Thank you for stopping by my blog.I like the sound of your recipes but will adapt using other cooking methods, I don’t use a microwave( for my own reasons) that’s one reason why I love Thai cooking as it’s very fresh and minimal cooking as a general rule( the prep takes longer.) My husband prefers Farang food so I’m sure he will enjoy your tasting your recipes The Buttery Salmon with Tarragon and Lemon in White wine sounds delicious.


  3. I love your recipes! I am Greek and was just telling my new husband that we need to eat more of a Mediterranean style diet! Love all the recipes and will definitely be using many of them 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for writing! And congratulations on your new marriage.

      You can adapt many of the recipes for cooking on top of the stove, but this creates grease in the air, and this is the reason that I use the microwave. The microwave is also faster.

      My husband loves our Mediterranean diet. You will also notice that we eat only chicken and seafood, and that is a health issue. My husband Paul asked me 28 years ago, right after we were married, to serve only chicken and seafood.

      We are very healthy. The experts know right about the Mediterranean way of cooking.

      Most cordially, Celia


  4. Thank you Celia for following my blog. I look forward to trying out some of your recipes. I barely use a microwave so this should be fun!


  5. Hello! Your recipes look fabulous and I’ll definitely be trying them. I cook a lot of Mediterranean food but I’ve never used my microwave so I can’t wait to give it a go. Best wishes from Tess, Monty and Chicken. 🐾


  6. I am a big big fan of Mediterranean cuisine and I can find some very good stuffs here which I will definitely try. Looking forward for some great and interesting recipes here. Cheers!!


  7. Hi Celia,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog THE MEDITERRANEAN MICROWAVE has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 25 Mediterranean Food Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 25 Mediterranean Food Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.



  8. Celia, I have been receiving your Miracles Each Day for over a year now. I just now stumbled onto this blog. I hope I have subscribed correctly because I surely would like to see your postings on Mediterranean cooking. Ciao!


      1. I wonder if you recognize my name from my blog or from your home town. You were a bit ahead of me in school but I was friends with several of your neighbors. I currently live about a block from your old home. Would love to have you follow my blog: articulation.me You are quite a prolific writer and I have been enjoying your posts. I recently read your book “Being Who You Are”. I practice TM and Yoga and find that ACOL corresponds with the idea that we must open ourselves to the idea that Divinity dwells everywhere and in everything. I appreciate your good work. Keep going.


      2. Linda, What a wonderful surprise! Of course I remember you. I picked up on your first and maiden names but thought it was a coincidence. You have commented on my miracles blog. I will follow your blog. Thank you for reading my book. And take care. We have a similar background. I didn’t think anybody in Zebulon knew about my writing. And now I know about yours, too. Love, Celia

        Liked by 1 person

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